Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Sun disappeared, what now?

The Sun just vanished into oblivion. Eight minutes later we humans on Earth find out and the whole world panics. Then the Earth stops orbiting around the sun, because there is none. Our planet is now wondering through the empty void of nothingness that is space.

Do we all die?
Well, yeah. After two or three years without the Sun the surface of our planet would be too cold for us to live well enough. Only people that took shelter underground or in areas that are naturaly heated by the Earths' core would survive, but only for about fifteen to eighteen more years. By the time humans are extinct only microorganisms at the bottom of the ocean would be able to live. So you can say that until Earth is captured into an orbit by another star or it brutally crashes into something, it would just keep on going into outer space. Forever.

The more you know.

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